Michelle Obama: Future First Lady of Fashion

Michelle Obama: Future First Lady of FashionMichelle Obama is doing her part to challenge the political fashion status quo, and consumers are thrilled. After her appearance on The View in a White House/ Black Market dress that retails for $148, designer Donna Ricco found long-sought fame, when the dress sold out in boutiques across the nation.

Unlike the bland, safe ensembles of many political wives, Mrs. Obama’s campaign fashion choices indicated that she isn’t afraid to express her own style. Her vibrant sundresses have garnered praise and criticism, yet they certainly meet designers’ call for jewel tones. Some fashion critics have gone so far as to argue that Michelle Obama represents post-feminist fashion. As Danielle Crittenden writes for the National Post.

“It was refreshing, too, to see a woman on the convention’s stage dressed in a soft, sexy dress. This is more post-feminism. Call it the Sex and the City effect. I’ve been struck by how many young career women today eschew the boxy suits and sensible heels of their female bosses for fitted dresses, high heels and low necklines. There seems to be no doubt in their minds that they can be effective at what they do in their public lives, but still be feminine and unabashedly open about attracting male attention.”

Michelle Obama’s style is clean, energetic, and down-to-earth enough to be attainable by the average consumer. To step into Michelle’s shoes, look for Mom-on-the-Go sensible flats with asymmetrical lines and kitten heels in jewel tones. The Fabiana by Bronx, shown at right, would be a great way to flatter Ms. Obama through imitation.

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